Sunday, July 30, 2006

Creating distance from corruption

Project Destiny is trying to distance itself from the local government’s corruption issues by postponing their local option sales tax measure until next year.

A special election will work well for them by filtering out the “I kind of don’t care” people from the polls. The Des Moines Partnership, our self elected media-proclaimed leadership, doesn’t fully understand the ramifications of their plan and need that understanding in order to effectively mislead us.

Hopefully, facts about poor government will be replaced with logical facts.

I just don’t know if the “Project Destiny” local option sales tax measure rises to the level of calling it a public deception, lie, cheat or theft but it comes incredibly close. I just know that you can expect to be offered various public forums and opportunities where you may express yourself to our leaders, question them and have your facts presented during evening hours. (Humor)

For now, I would like the names of all who proposed or have endorsed this measure and how that it will benefit them - Kind of a public disclosure statement.

If I can’t convince you to vote no with facts, figures and illustrations please kindly accept the consequences of your actions.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

It will be back - we will be ready

The sales tax measure has been delayed - details now!

There is good news for the residents of Polk, Dallas and Warren counties for now. We can go about our business for almost a year while we're bombarded by little snippets of news from the People for Project Destiny, the local option sales tax to give to the rich and take from the middle-class and poor while extolling the self-proclaimed virtues of "leadership" conferred by the DM Partnership.

Expect letters to the editor in the Register and little stories on TV about the great things that will be done with your money.

Don't expect much from them as far as detailed financials, or a list of the hundreds of people and businesses that will greatly benefit from the property tax reduction.

Whatever their tactics are, we hope that we, through both our Internet connections and hundreds who will help to feed us information as it is made available.

There will be meetings planned, speeches made and questions asked of the public at those meetings with the normal slivers of time allowed for comment from folks like you and me.

In the coming year, I hope to bring to you honest, direct and non-misleading information without any half-truths about the real impact of this issue. This is very important to all citizens, especially the majority of us whether we are home owners, renters or even live on the street. Unless the Project Destiny plan is radically changed in nature and scope this is truly a class battle, one which I plan on enjoying with you.

With your help, in time, some money and some good legal advice we will win this battle from the "grassroots". Identifiable names will be named and figures will be stated.

My prior posts have been removed because I consider this to be Phase II. Many of the ideas published before will be re-worked as the campaign moves forward and intensifies at election-time. If you would like any of the prior information let me know.

If you would be interested in forming or working on this local ballot issue campaign or have any ideas that you would like to send to me directly please e-mail me at Liberals, conservatives and independent voters are welcome to participate.

Legal Details:

Confidentiality: All names and e-mail addresses will be kept in confidence and will not be included in any group mailings identifiable as individual e-mail addresses. E-mail addresses will not knowingly be allowed to be used for any other purpose except for the defeat of this measure. Do not write if you are under the age of 14.

All posts are read and edited before posting in this forum. This is not a solicitation for funds or in-kind contributions. Any solicitation for funds or in-kind contributions shall commence after proper filings have been made with the State as a local issue campaign.

Comments received via e-mail may be shared if, in my sole opinion, they are credible and verifiable without attribution to the writer. Any confidential information should be noted as such and it will not be used except as background information in strategy planning.

Please e-mail me if your wish to comment but are uncomfortable sending a message via your business's or agency's phone or e-mail system. Please show a best time of day to call and the best numbers to reach you. I will return your call.

This will hopefully be a campaign of facts and figures that in themselves will show clearly that this measure should end in its' defeat. Comments of a name-calling nature do not add in a positive way to the defeat of this issue - facts do.

Until then have a great summer and go to the Fair. We'll be talking later.