Sunday, July 30, 2006

Creating distance from corruption

Project Destiny is trying to distance itself from the local government’s corruption issues by postponing their local option sales tax measure until next year.

A special election will work well for them by filtering out the “I kind of don’t care” people from the polls. The Des Moines Partnership, our self elected media-proclaimed leadership, doesn’t fully understand the ramifications of their plan and need that understanding in order to effectively mislead us.

Hopefully, facts about poor government will be replaced with logical facts.

I just don’t know if the “Project Destiny” local option sales tax measure rises to the level of calling it a public deception, lie, cheat or theft but it comes incredibly close. I just know that you can expect to be offered various public forums and opportunities where you may express yourself to our leaders, question them and have your facts presented during evening hours. (Humor)

For now, I would like the names of all who proposed or have endorsed this measure and how that it will benefit them - Kind of a public disclosure statement.

If I can’t convince you to vote no with facts, figures and illustrations please kindly accept the consequences of your actions.

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