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Dumb idea then - Dumb idea now
Six months does not change an ideas merit. Accountability is a given, not something to use as a selling point.
Let's be blunt - we just plain can't trust our local leadership to make good decisions concerning public expenditures. Let's look at the history of the metro area's leadership.
1. The race track and casino were to solve all of our fiscal problems - did it?
2. The state lowered taxes on our utilities; many local governments increased our franchise fees to take back the money. This issue is still in the courts and we have not received any information about how this will be resolved. Was this good planning by the local governments? How will the governments pay back the money should the court decide in favor of the utility users?
3. CIETC is still an issue. If the city could not appoint qualified, honest and duty-bound folks to supervise this entity shouldn't they have said so and sought another form of oversight?
4. Local option school taxes have further damaged the reputation of our "leaders". Does doing what you say you'll do with entrusted funds have any meaning once the dollars are in your checking account?
5. Look for storm clouds on the horizon. The local governments will "need" more money to not only feed current obligations but also to cover liabilities that they themselves fostered.
There is an overall lack of confidence in our leaders and no amount of meetings (private or public) will stand in the way of the public's right and duty to deny these folks access to our hard-earned dollars at this time.
I'm looking forward to seeing open forums for the discussion of all issues on a level playing field. The venue would be in a public place, led by a panel of objective news media personalities with speakers coming from the floor to speak in favor or against the issue for a limited period of time. The meetings should be broadcast over Des Moines City Council's cable channel. This would be very interesting but I don't think that it will happen. Not only are there too many issues to be addressed concerning this proposal, but public input is not something that the "leadership" of Des Moines ever wants to face.
I'm also predicting that the petitions to have the measure added to the ballot will be circulated on private property and that objectors to the issue will not receive access to those same properties to express any opposition to the issue. If you don't believe in the measure, don't sign any petition to have this issue placed on the ballot.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
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With you 100%. For some reason I have not been able to post at absolute dsm in response to this CIETC scandal and the concept of yet more taxes.
By the way, CIETC is once again found to be the gift that keeps on taking:
Heads should be on posts.
No more taxes.
No New Sales Tax!
I am hoping that there is some place that I can either donate my time or money to make this type of regressive tax get voted down. I understand that 1/3 of this is to go for property tax relief, but I am wondering, with all the money that Prairie Meadows Racetrack Casino and the 1 cent school tax is bringing in to lower our property taxes, why is it we need more property tax relief? Maybe I should just ask when was it that the current county, city or school district last voted to lower property taxes in Dallas, Polk or Warren Counties? How is this 1/3 that is to be given to the counties to be distributed in the form of tax relief, in a percentage of the value of your home? I truly feel sorry the all the other people of this state that come to Dallas, Polk or Warren County and may be forced to pay for our property tax, bike trails and quality of life. I would urge those people to take their shopping to other counties or even other states. Just incase you don’t know Minnesota has “NO” sales tax on clothes at all. I also urge others to visit this site http://www.taxadmin.org/FTA/rate/sales.html it list the other state sales tax rates and then wonder why Iowa can’t seem to attract business or more people. Keep in mind that several of these states do not have personal income taxes and this group now wants to push our sales tax in Dallas, Polk or Warren County to 7%. They just keep asking for another penny, but they don’t get the fact that a dollar is just 100 pennies and now they want 7 of them.
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