Saturday, February 03, 2007

Who Supports the New Sales Tax - Interesting Read

Learn about who has financially supported the new sales tax plan from the Iowa Ethics & Campaign Disclosure Board. Also follow how dollars were spent on preparation to convince voters to support the Project Destiny sales tax. Note that the group name has been changed to "Yes for Destiny".

The following is the link to the campaign contribution report. It is a .pdf file so it will take a little time to load but it will show you the businesses and individuals who have been supporting this new tax. Enjoy and let me have your comments if you wish.

Click here to load full report.


Anonymous said...

I don't see what your big hoopla is about who contributed to Yes to Destiny. It's mainly local employers. I don't think that should be any surprise. Greater Des Moines will move forward...and there is nothing you can do to stop it. I'm voting yes...with CIETC and I have faith in our elected officials. If they are bad, they eventually get punished.

Joe said...

Faith is belief without evidence, so if you have confidence that Polk and Des Moines elected officials are using your tax money wisely, faith is the right word for it.

Anonymous said...

PT barnum said it best.... sucker born every minute.

Anonymous said...

Great work.